Senior Pastor
Dr. Dwayne Norman

As Senior Pastor since May 2019, I have the privilege of preaching the Word, shepherding the flock, and equipping the saints to do the work of ministry. Mandy and I have been married since 2000 and we have four children: Maddie, Bradley, Lindsey, and Natalie. When I’m away from the church, I enjoy watching movies, playing games with my family, and watching Alabama Football. Proverbs 3:5-6 is one of my favorite Bible verses, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.”

Discipleship/College Pastor
Rev. Nathan Johnson

Pastor Nathan 

Youth and Activities Pastor
Rev. Will Burgess

I began serving Campbellsville Baptist Church in October of 2014, where I serve as our Student/ Activities pastor. I am passionate about ministry and seeing people not only come to Christ, but to devote their lives to Him day to day. I have been married to my lovely wife, Jenny, for 25 years. In asking the Lord to give us one son, He blessed us with four, Levi, CJ, Jonah and Ethan. In our spare we enjoy family time, fishing, and playing a variety of sports

Children's Minister
Mr. Hayden Dabney

I have served as the Children's Minister here at Campbellsville Baptist Church since August 2022! I am blessed to work with families and children ages 1st-5th grade! My parents are Neil and Jaclyn Dabney, and I have two brothers, Noah and Reid. In my free time I love spending time with my family and friends.

Isaiah 53:5 but He was pierced for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities, the punishment that brought us peace was on Him, and by His wounds we are Healed.

Preschool Director
Mrs. Savannah Ramos

I have been in the role of Preschool Director since May 2021 where I work with families and children ages birth-kindergarten. I am married to Justin and we have a fur baby named Luca! I work full time at Campbellsville Elementary School and I am assistant coach for girls high school basketball at Campbellsville High School. 

Colossians 3:23 Whatever you do, do it with all your heart, as for working for the Lord and not for men.

Interim Worship Pastor
Rev. Cole Torbert


Senior Pastor Ministry Assistant
Mrs. Karen Edwards

Karen has been serving as Senior Pastor Ministry Assistant since 2005. She is married to Kelvin and they have two daughters and two grandchildren.

Worship/Communications Ministry Assistance
Mrs. Morgan Hutchinson

I have been serving Campbellsville Baptist Church as the Worship/Communications Ministry Assistant since March of 2023. I am married to Aaron Hutchinson and we have two daughter, Emma and Harper. In my free time I love spending time with my family and friends, I love reading, and I enjoy attending UK sports events!

Psalm 118:24 This is the day the Lord has made; let's rejoice and be glad in it.

Communications/Graphic Design
Ms. Susie Crowder

Susie has been serving Campbellsville Baptist Church as the Communications and Graphic Design Assistant since March of 2023.

CLC Secretary
Mrs. Robyn Lawless
Mr. Robert Able

Robert has been apart of the CBC team since fall of 2023.